Conference Director
Tel: +32 14 22 00 14
Fax: +32 14 85 90 04
Opportunities in Africa`s logistics infrastructure sector have never been so promising. The continent has seen steep continuous increase in containerized volumes, and will in the coming years -in opposite to other geographic regions-, keep experiencing growing cargo throughput rates.
Logistics operators, investors and shipping lines are widely opting for port, rail and intermodal projects across the entire continent.
Challenges in the sector however are multiple, ranging from the complete lack of hinterland connections to low operational efficiency and slow turnaround times in the harbours. Recent investments in Africa are rapidly transforming the sector in order to create ambitious deepwater sea ports, competitive transshipment hubs, faster rail freight speeds and cheaper logistics costs.
Noppen`s 4th Annual Africa Port & Rail Expansion Summit in Accra, Ghana, focuses on how cargo throughput is being enhanced and how capacity of the current logistics infrastructure is to be upgraded. The events is bringing together Terminal operators, Port Authorities, Railway Authorities, logistics consortiums, EPCs, ministries of economy and transport, consultants, banks and solutions providers.
Conference Director
Tel: +32 14 22 00 14
Fax: +32 14 85 90 04